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Public Auction

Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 at 10:00 AM

Tools, Shop & Outdoor related Items, Tractors, Combines,
Implements, Trailers, Household, Collectibles

1757 Rd F Emporia, KS 66801

PDF Sale Bill

Tools / Shop & Outdoor related Items: concrete bench, Kenmore shop vac, metal detector, pancake air compressor, Craftsman 19.2V skill saw, lg. radio flyer wagon, ext. ladders, step ladders, antique well pumps, yard art, outdoor glider, steel wheels, chain link panel dog pens, several live traps, 2-10" radial arm saw, dust collector, 15" Sears wood planer, Craftsman table saw, manual log splitter, Craftsman 46" 6-speed 20hp riding mower, power washers, battery chargers, lots of hardware, animal / bird cages, Sears 60gal. 6hp air compressor, Chicago mig welder, 2-Scaffold sets, Craftsman table saw (nice), Craftsman 25hp. Kohler 50" mower, 12" wood lathe, Craftsman wood chipper, chain hoist, parlor stove, mini drill press, receiver hitch, grinders, mini tillers, plunge router, organizers, scroll saw, lots of lumber, manual tire machine, power trowel, lots of scrap metal, propane bottle, generators, sev. Craftsman riding lawn mowers, cherry picker, shop carts, 2 wheel dollys, Lincoln 220 AC arc welder, shop fan, chop saws, 3pt. seeder, several weed eaters, Coleman 5000 generator, propane heaters, log chains, boomers, lots of hand tools, yard tools, wrench sets, socket sets, power tools, 12v winch, cement mixer, tank heaters, trash pumps, receiver hitch cargo carrier, Cosmo 500 3pt seeder (like new), Oil, Chicago elect. lg. jack hammer, shop built press,  10T porta power, 36" metal brake, large tool boxes, lg. vise, pipe wrenches, Craftsman drill press, jacks, RR jacks, ext. cords, metal shop table, gas cans, 12' aluminum semi V-bottom Jon boat, fuel tanks w/ stands, woven wire rolls, pond mill, antique corn sheller, hames, 2-Corrugated plastic drain pipe 12" dia. 20' 

Tractors: Oliver 1855 w/ cab 4,155hrs (runs), Ford 800 tractor w/ loader & bucket

Combines: John Deere 45 combine w/ 2 row corn head & bean head (shedded, runs), John Deere 45 combine (parts)

Implements: 5' 3pt rotary mower, 3pt swivel blade, 3pt cultivator, 3pt 2-bottom plow, post hole auger w/ bit 3pt, 3pt JD 7' sickle mower, 8' 3pt disc, 1240 4-row JD planter , JD FB-B grain drill (rough), 6' 3pt box blade w/ teeth, 10' Ford 3pt spring tooth, JD rotary hoe, Old pull-type sprayer, JD cultivator, King Cutter 7' HD blade, old 3-bottom plow, 10' pull-type disc w/ cylinder, grain auger, other misc. small implements

Trailers: 16' x 76" tandem axle car trailer, 2-shop built trailer frames

Household / Collectibles: Lg. railroad crossing sign, Handicap Scooter, mantle clock, Elna sewing machine w/ cabinet, vintage lamps, vintage washboards, Grosley old radio, Korean War era Nittiku record player, old records, #5 Crock, lace / sewing material / patterns / fabric, linens / towels, Wizard of OZ plate collection, oil lamps, bedroom sets, antique baby beds, military jackets / clothing, games, vintage toys some Tonka, dressers, lizard cages, cast iron tea pots / dutch oven / sausage press / skillets, China hutch, IBP belt buckles / collectibles, Piano, cast iron newspaper roller, Rogers silverware sets, glassware, pictures, home decor, secretary / writing desk, Pyrex, cookware, Kitchen aid, Frigidare Frig / freezer, entertainment center, LG flatscreen TV, books, computer system, spittoon, Whirlpool Frig / freezer, misc. cleaning supplies, vintage lunch boxes, marbles, canning jars, Kenmore chest freezer, bubble glass pictures, Hames mirror, vintage baby strollers, foot locker, Sears upright freezer, 1970s Spartan yearbooks, ESU yearbooks, 3pc. bedroom set, twin bed, fans, vintage quilts, old scales, room AC, VHS movies, lots of boots some new, Upright AC, camp cot, train sets, handicap equipment, #3 butter churn, wash tubs

Terms: Cash or good check accepted. Debit / Credit cards accepted with service charge. Restroom and concessions available. All statements made day of sale take precedence over advertisements. Owners and auction company not responsible for accidents or theft. Settlement must be made day of auction. Nothing removed until settlement has been made.

Seller: Late Manford & Nell Langley Estate

Check our website jdauctionservices.com or kansasauctions.net for updated information and pictures. Like us on Facebook for updates as well J&D Auction Service, LLC.

J&D Auction & Sales, LLC
Auctioneers: Jase Hubert (620) 481-7303 & Dwayne Coble (620) 794-2061

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